Stand Up Paddle Rentals


$40 A DAY

$200 WEEK

Rental Registration & Cancellation Policy:

  • – Full payment is due by Visa or MasterCard to reserve rental equipment.
  • – We will only rent to adults.
  • – At the time of pick-up, the renter must be present to sign the waiver, and to present their driver’s license and their credit card which was used to reserve the gear.
  • – If you need to cancel your reservation for any reason, we retain the first day’s rental fee as a non-refundable deposit. Please be sure of the dates before you commit to a rental!

We are thrilled to reserve some of our rental gear for you, provided you are committed to take the gear during the time you booked. We bill you the full amount at registration so you don’t need to mess with payment on the day of the rental – we know you really just want to get out paddling! It also separates the committed from the rest.

We only rent to adults, because only adults can legally sign our industry-standard waiver.

Insisting that the renter sign the waiver in person and present their credit card and driver’s license is for your protection and ours. Some thieves rent gear over the phone with a stolen credit card, pick it up at the appointed time and disappear. By the time it is uncovered that the credit card is stolen, the thief and gear are long gone and your credit card has been charged, possibly harming your credit rating.

The signature on the waiver, the credit card and driver’s license all need to belong to the same person – that person agrees to take responsibility for the gear, and guarantees it with their credit card.

After we reserve gear for you for a specific day, we have likely had to say “sorry, it is taken” to others – our popular gear is in strong demand. If you skip your reservation (or move it to another date) we have lost the opportunity to allow someone else to use the gear that day. Also, a significant portion of our cost-to-rent is in the process of booking a reservation. We keep the first day’s rental fee as compensation and we accept the risk that we may or may not be able to rent it to someone else for the remainder of your rental period. That’s more than fair.

If you return gear late, we charge double the daily rent! If you return gear late it can ruin the next customer’s day, or even their entire vacation! We charge double to create a disincentive to being late. If, in the midst of a rental, you decide you want to keep the gear longer, just give us a call. If we can extend the rental period, we will gladly do so. But if someone else has booked that gear, and we cannot switch things around, then you need to bring it back on time. That’s fair

#myboardinghouse Launch Party… You Don’t Want to miss it!

We are kicking off the new #myboardinghouse with an epic Launch Party!

Who doesn’t love


This party is by INVITE ONLY! Be sure to follow the link below to subscribe and receive your exclusive invite!!



Make sure you drop by… You don’t want to miss this!



Fathers Day Bogo Sale…This Weekend

Start the Fathers Day Weekend Off Right….

At The Boarding House!!

Bring your Dad in for our BOGO SALE




The Sale runs this Friday June 16 and runs until Monday June 19!!



WANT $100.00 for you and your dad!!??

Fathers Day is just around the corner and we want to celebrate DADS!!!

Head on over to our Facebook Page to learn how you can win $100.00 of  cold, hard Boarding House Cash for you and your “Ol Man”

Free Paddle Session

Join us on Tuesday June 13 for a free Paddle Board Demo as well as some Prevention, Awarness and Education. Come down to the Echodale Boat Pond and try a Canoe, Paddle Board or Kayak!

Food trucks will be on site and we will be in the water from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM!


It’s that time of year again and we are proudly sponsoring the Annual “Walk A Mile In Her Shoes”


Have you ever heard the saying, “you never know a person’s story until you have walked a mile in their shoes?” The Southeastern Alberta Sexual Assault Response Committee (SARC) is organizing the 9th annual international men’s march “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” as part of the Spectrum Sunshine Festival in Medicine Hat on June 3, 2017. This event literally asks men to walk a mile in women’s high-heeled shoes to show their support to end sexual assault and sexual abuse. This march is a fun opportunity to get people talking and for men to educate the community about the very serious subject and impact of this issue. Please visit for more information about the walk.




Incase you hadn;t heard, it’s very dangerous to camp on May long in Alberta considering our completely unmpredictable weather, so, we thoufght we would offer a few wicked deals in the store where you’r GUARANTEED to have a good time!!

Here is what you can expect to find!!

Action Camers

.50% OFF


Selected Footwear

-20%-50% Off


Skate Decks Starting At



All Beverage Carriers

.20% Off


Camping Supplies from some of your favourite brands… Don’t Miss It




Bones Brigade Exclusive Signed Watch Collection

Nixon x Bones Brigade: A Limited Edition Collection of Watches

There are graphics and then there are symbols. The second release in the Nixon x Powell-Peralta collab introduces six variations of the best-selling Time Teller model featuring the iconic graphics that became the symbols of skateboarding from the legendary Bones Brigade team, including: Tony Hawk, Rodney Mullen, Steve Caballero, Lance Mountain, Tommy Guerrero and Mike McGill.

The six defining graphics designed by artist Vernon Courtlandt Johnson, sold hundreds of thousands of decks and tee shirts because they so concisely represented skateboarding’s disenfranchised world. Upon their releases in the 1980s, they were collectively viewed by the non-initiated as dangerous, weird, rebellious, confusing, and artistic. Today they are considered a symbol for what it means to be a skateboarder.

The Nixon x Bones Brigade Time Tellers are available only at your local skate retailer and come with a free zine with purchase. Dive deep into the story behind the iconic works and read the full interviews with the team, Stacy Peralta, and J. Grant Brittain.

Court’s graphics were high-level work. He created a style for boards that obviously stands the test of time. They’re very iconic images. – Tommy Guerrero

I don’t think skateboarding had an aesthetic before Court and Powell. I think they created an aesthetic for skateboarding. – Tony Hawk

I appreciate how Court uses the lines – they’re strong and super bold. – Steve Caballero

They don’t seem complicated, but man, at the time, they were. They were masterpieces. – Mike McGill

I credit George with this and maybe it was based on budget and costs, but he forced Courtney to draw down from where he wanted to draw, I think. He simplified it. He wanted the lines to be more simple and cleaner and easier to screen and more readable. – Lance Mountain

Court’s style … you can call it pride of whatever, but I looked at other company’s graphics and felt so grateful. No graphics compared to it. – Rodney Mullen

The Nixon x Bones Brigade Limited Edition Collection and ‘zine are available here, at The Boarding House.


-Text from


Skate Skool

Skate Skool is back and it is running every Saturday from May 6 – June 10 11:00 am – Noon.

Ages 5-12.

$5.00 Drop in Fee

Head down to the Kinsmen Skate Park and learn some new tricks with the Medicine Hat Skate Association!

Check them out here: Medicine Hat Skate

Mothers Day 2017

WE LOVE OUR MOMS!! And we know you do too. For Mothers Day we are offering a chance to win a $50.00 gift certificate each for you and your mom!!
To be entered:

Head on over to our Facebook Page

1.Like our Facebook Page

2.Like this post

3. Upload a pic of you and your Mom or you and your Little!



If you are in the Swift Current area, you can enter through our Swift Current Shop!

Check out their Facebook page here:

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