1000 T-Shirts at The Boarding House

As most of you have heard, 1000 T-Shirts is a group of grade 5/6 from 7 persons school.

“We are a grade 5/6 class in Seven Persons, Alberta, trying to sell 1000 t-shirts to raise money for 3 worthy causes. 6 of 19 students in our class have parents who have fought or are fighting cancer. We want to raise money for the Ellis family, help build an art room for a school in Haiti, and make a wish come true for a young cancer patient in the Medicine Hat area.”

The organization is so close to reaching their goal of 1000 T-Shirts sold and we think they will blow right by the 1000 mark. The support from our city and rural communities has been outstanding and we are truly proud to now stock the 1000 T-Shirts here at The Boarding House!

Come in and get your today and help these amazing kids reach their goal!!

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