Ryder Petrick and his proud Volunteer Parents

Ryder Petrick and his proud Volunteer Parents

  As you may know, the Alberta Winter Games were in town this past weekend. There were hundreds, of athletes from all over Alberta, in many different sports. Too many sports to name here, so we will focus on the one that we focus on every day, Snowboarding.

Scott and I spent 3 long days volunteering at the Alberta Winter Games at Hidden Valley. We, of course, were on the Slopestyle and Boarder-Cross track. Amazing weather, Amazing Athletes, and of course amazing Volunteers.

  It started out as chaos. A bunch of strangers, tasked with a job. But we weren’t quite sure what the job was. We figured out what needed to be done. And we did it. We knew we had one strong common bond, the sport of Snowboarding.  I have never seen a group come together in such a short period of time, and accomplish so much. Some of our volunteers had sons/ daughters in the event. But most did not. They were just there to help, there for the love of the sport.

After the course was set up, and the miles of safety fence was put in, we let the Athletes loose on the course. We were amazed by the ability level of both the local, and the athletes from around Alberta. It was great to see locally coached athletes holding their own with the likes of the big mountain athletes.

 On the final day of competition, we had the exhilarating pleasure of watching local athlete Ryder Petrick take the Gold Medal in a hard fought series, that pitted him against fellow athletes from all over Alberta. Without hesitation he dropped into a crowded course, with an aggressive inside line, he took the lead. With a multiple rider pile up near the end of steep technical turns of the track, he recovered to remain number one to the finish. We here at The Boarding House believe in local riders, so we sponsor athletes like Ryder to help get them the gear they need, and the exposure they need to allow them to continue in the sport. Keep an eye on our Facebook page, we have posted videos, and pictures of the event.

We have another boarder cross event on February 20 at Hidden Valley (this weekend). Come and cheer on local athletes, come and volunteer. Come and reintroduce yourself to the sport of Snowboarding.

We believe that Snowboarding is good for your soul, 



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